This page (revision-15) was last changed on 15-Jan-2022 01:13 by Administrator

This page was created on 08-Jun-2021 19:34 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
15 15-Jan-2022 01:13 1 KB Administrator to previous
14 08-Jun-2021 19:34 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
13 08-Jun-2021 19:34 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
12 08-Jun-2021 19:34 925 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
11 08-Jun-2021 19:34 924 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
10 08-Jun-2021 19:34 921 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
9 08-Jun-2021 19:34 875 bytes Administrator to previous | to last Здания ==> Buildings
8 08-Jun-2021 19:34 872 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
7 08-Jun-2021 19:34 870 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
6 08-Jun-2021 19:34 826 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
5 08-Jun-2021 19:34 817 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
4 08-Jun-2021 19:34 640 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
3 08-Jun-2021 19:34 165 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
2 08-Jun-2021 19:34 98 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
1 08-Jun-2021 19:34 51 bytes Administrator to last

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Страница в процессе наполнения.
__Bastión de pegasos__/ Nido de grifos/ Cubil de dragones/ Gruta de arpías/Cueva de los dragones\\
[{Image src='flyer.png' align='left' }]
[{Image src='eflyer.png' align='left' }]
[{Image src='deflyer.png' align='left' }]
[{Image src='drflyer.png' align='left' }]
[{Image src='unflyer.png' align='left' }]
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[К списку зданий|Здания] [Листать список далее|Range_build]
||Nivel||[{Image src='gold.png'}]||[{Image src='wood.png'}] ||[{Image src='stone.png'}]||[{Image src='iron.png'}]||[{Image src='pearl.png'}]||Límite de encargo||Tiempo de entrenamiento \\1 unidad, min||Cristales
| 1| 5000| 10000| 10000| 0| 0| 5|120|
| 2| 10000| 15000| 15000| 0| 0| 7|110|
| 3| 15000| 20000| 20000| 2500| 0|10 |100|
| 4| 20000| 30000| 30000| 4000| 0| 15|90|
| 5| 25000| 40000| 40000| 7000| 0| 20|80|
| 6| 30000| 60000| 60000| 10000| 0|35 | 60|
| 7| 40000| 80000| 80000| 18000| 0|75|35|
| \\8|\\400 000|\\800 000 |\\800 000 |\\360 000|\\0|\\130|\\25|[{Image src='green_crystal.png' align='left'}][{Image src='blue_crystal.png' align='left'}][{Image src='yellow_crystal.png' align='left'}][{Image src='violet_crystal.png' align='left'}]
En el edificio se puede entrenar unidades de combate – [Voladores|UnitParameters].\\
[A la lista de los edificios|Buildings] [Seguir hojeando la lista|Range_build]